World helper

About the inventor

Name: Niko
City: Vrtovin 74, 5262 Črniče

School information

Name of the school: PŠ Vrtovin (OŠ Dobravlje)
Location:Vrtovin 74, 5262 Črniče,Slovenia

What will this machine do?

This machine will plant more trees for the world, pick up trash and keep the environment clean.

Why was it invented?

I created it because it would be very useful for our world. Ie works with the help of a camera that serves as its eyes. The battery gives power to the machine. It moves with legs, which are turned by a motor. It picks up the trash with its hands. Put the trash in the drawer. The drawers are also for tree seedlings, tree seeds, fruit trees, tools, two compartments are for garbage, one compartment is also for useful waste. It also has a drawer for powerful acquaintances trees (linden, oak...)

When was it invented?

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024