Robot chef

About the inventor

Name: Luka
City: Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac

School information

Name of the school: OŠ Zrinskih i Frankopana Otočac
Location:Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac,Croatia

What will this machine do?

I present to you my dream machine. I envisioned my machine in the form of a robot chef. Such a robot can bake or cook any food you want. To make the robot listen to you and understand what food you want, just press the left yellow button on his head and tell him the food you want the robot to prepare for you. The robot hears you with a red microphone above his head. When you have ordered the food and finished communicating with the robot then you press the right yellow button which is also on his head. By pressing this button, you start its work. This robot also has wheels that move it, so it can serve you food wherever you want in its vicinity.

I hope you like my robot chef (dream machine)!

Predstavljam vam moj stroj iz snova. Ja sam svoj stroj zamislio u obliku robota kuhara. Takav robot može ispeći ili skuhati hranu koju god vi poželite. Da bi vas robot poslušao i shvatio koju hranu vi želite samo pritisnete lijevi žuti gumbić koji se nalazi na njegovoj glavi i kažete mu koju hranu želite da vam robot spremi. Robot vas čuje uz pomoću crvenog mikrofona iznad njegove glave. Kada ste naručili hranu i završili komunikaciju s robotom onda pritisnete desni žuti gumb koji se isto nalazi na njegovoj glavi. Samim pritiskom na taj gumb započinjete i njegov rad. Također ovaj robot ima i kotačiće kojima se kreće pa tako vam hranu može poslužiti gdje god vi hoćete u njegovoj blizini.

Nadam se da Vam se sviđa moj robot kuhar (stroj iz snova)!

Why was it invented?

Some people need help preparing meals.

When was it invented?

Thursday, May 12th, 2022