
About the inventor

Name: Hovhannes
City: 2 Melik Adamyan St, Yerevan 0010

School information

Name of the school: Children of Armenis Fund
Location:2 Melik Adamyan St, Yerevan 0010,Armenia

What will this machine do?

Qbot is for people who want to save their time. It can open doors, turn on the lights and other things. when you come home from your work and you are so tired that you are not able to make the coffee or turn on your computer for work Qbot will do it in the place of you. You must just say “QBot do this or that work”. Qbot sees you with 64 MP camera and understand what you want.

Why was it invented?

When a person is tired, he does the person's work

When was it invented?

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021