Morning machine

About the inventor

Name: Kris
City: Vrtovin 74, 5262 Črniče

School information

Name of the school: PŠ Vrtovin (OŠ Dobravlje)
Location:Vrtovin 74, 5262 Črniče,Slovenia

What will this machine do?

The morning machine is made for the morning. So when I wake up, the machine would make me pancakes, cocoa, a croissant, pizza, a morning calendar for the day, a birthday present, clean my clothes and the house.

Why was it invented?

This machine is useful for getting out of bed faster in the morning. It is good for the house to be cleaner, for us not to be hungry and for us to feel good. When you buy the machine it has prepared ingredients in it, but you can also add them. You put the ingredients in it through its head, it cleans and inspects them and makes the food. It can also include a calendar and gifts for special events.

When was it invented?

Tuesday, December 12th, 2023