
About the inventor

Name: Nik
City: Vrtovin 74, 5262 Črniče

School information

Name of the school: PŠ Vrtovin (OŠ Dobravlje)
Location:Vrtovin 74, 5262 Črniče,Slovenia

What will this machine do?

This machine will do anything. The machine can prepare meals to eat, tools such as a shovel, a board for writing, etc. I would put the ingredients in the machine and it would swallow them using the rails. This is how the desired thing is created in him. The machine can travel around the city with the help of tires. I would give the machine a command with the help of a computer into which you type the instructions. The tools have the machine in them. So he can create anything we humans want. It has a workshop and a kitchen where all this happens.

Why was it invented?

This stance is good because it makes us some food, tool or thing in a short time. It is therefore useful for obtaining the desired item in a quick and easy way. I think it would be difficult to make a machine because the tools would have to be all under the control of the machine. Every thing she should be faster than a human.

When was it invented?

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024