Mail robot

About the inventor

Name: Nik
City: Vrtovin 74, 5262 Črniče

School information

Name of the school: PŠ Vrtovin (OŠ Dobravlje)
Location:Vrtovin 74, 5262 Črniče,Slovenia

What will this machine do?

It would be a robot for me to bring mail and postal packages to my hands. This robot could fill postal trucks with mail and carry them around from the truck to the people - the addressees.

Why was it invented?

I created it for people to get mail or a larger package faster. They would not need to go to the post office or to the postman, because Mail robot would find them and deliver everything himself. If you order a large number of different packages, the Mail robot truck has a conveyor belt that automatically sorts your packages into a pile and wraps them in a larger box. That way you get all the packages at once and together.

When was it invented?

Tuesday, December 12th, 2023