
About the inventor

Name: Kristian
City: Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac

School information

Name of the school: OŠ Zrinskih i Frankopana Otočac
Location:Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac,Croatia

What will this machine do?

My machine is called infinity. It has a small solar panel that can be pulled out of the case, so the phone is charged in sunlight. It doesn't need a lot of sunlight, it is made so that the mobile phone can be fully charged within 2 hours when used with the help of a solar panel, if it is not used it takes 45 minutes to 1 hour. The solar tile is made so that it does not need a lot of sunlight.

Moj stroj se zove beskonačnost. On ima malu solarnu pločicu koja se može izvući izvan kućišta, tako se mobitel puni na sunčevu svjetlost. Ne treba puno sunčeve svjetlosti, napravljen je da se mobitel pri korištenju uz pomoć solarne pločice može napuniti do kraja u roku od 2 sata, ukoliko se ne koristi treba mu 45 minuta do 1 sat. Solarna pločica je napravljena tako da joj ne treba puno sunčeve svjetlosti.

Why was it invented?

I drew this machine because my eternal problem is how long the battery on my mobile phone will last, with this invention I plan to solve this problem, not only for myself but for all people in the world. That was my motivation but I didn’t know how to achieve it, but one day while thinking about it while playing with my dog I noticed solar panels on the roof of my house and so I came up with the idea of a small solar panel.

Ovaj stroj sam nacrtao zato jer mi je vječni problem koliko će mi dugo baterija na mobitelu izdržati, ovim izumom planiram riješiti taj problem i to ne samo za sebe već za sve ljude svijeta. To mi je bila motivacija ali nisam znao kako da to postignem, ali jednog dana dok sam razmišljao o tome dok sam se igrao sa svojim psom primijetio sam solarne ploče na krovu svoje kuće i tako sam došao na ideju male solarne pločice.

When was it invented?

Friday, May 13th, 2022