No and Yes

About the inventor

Name: Esme
City: 658 Broadview Ave, Toronto

School information

Name of the school: Montcrest School
Location:658 Broadview Ave, Toronto,Canada

What will this machine do?

It makes your parents say "yes" or "no" to your questions so you get the answer you want.

Why was it invented?

So I can make my parents say "yes" to candy and "no" to math.

When was it invented?

Monday, June 20th, 2022

This Dream Machine idea has been elaborated as part of the MyMachine DreamsDrop Campaign 2022

We selected this Dream Machine idea to be part of the MyMachine DreamsDrop 2022 Campaign. 

Industrial Product Design Students from the Industrial Design Center at HOWEST University of Applied Sciences (Belgium) have been working on these ideas to translate them into product concepts. 

The students only had 2 days. The results -considering such a short term- are astonishing.

The making of the No and Yes Machine -- click image to start video--

The University Students explaining the prototype: --click image to start video--

This is Esme's reaction to the results: --click image to start video--