
About the inventor

Name: João
Age: 6
Gender: Male
Country: Portugal
City: Gaeiras

School information

Name of the school: “Complexo Escolar do Alvito
Location: Gaeiras, Portugal

What will this machine do?

Não sei atar os sapatos.

Why was it invented?

É uma máquina que tem um tablet com os passos para nos ensinar a atar os

When was it invented?

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

This idea is elaborated as working prototype via MyMachine Portugal

This idea was elaborated in 2014/2015 by MyMachine Portugal with the following participating schools:

Primary School: “Complexo Escolar do Alvito, Gaeiras
University designers: Joana Barros, Diana Fonseca at ESAD Caldas da Rainha