Robot Luna

About the inventor

Name: Marta
City: Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac

School information

Name of the school: OŠ Zrinskih i Frankopana Otočac
Location:Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac,Croatia

What will this machine do?

Luna is a robot who does all the housework. Luna can do laundry, cook, wash dishes, iron, fix a car and write homework. Luna can go to the store to shop.

Luna je robot koji radi sve kućanske poslove. Luna može prati rublje, kuhati, prati posuđe, glačati, popravljati auto i pisati domaću zadaću. Luna može otići do dućana u kupovinu.

Why was it invented?

People need help with their day-to-day work. The Luna robot will make everyday tasks easier.

Ljudi trebaju pomoć u obavljanju svakodnevnih poslova. Robot Luna će olakšati obavljanje svakodnevnih poslova.

When was it invented?

Sunday, May 8th, 2022