Robot Chef

About the inventor

Name: Josip
City: Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac

School information

Name of the school: OŠ Zrinskih i Frankopana Otočac
Location:Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac,Croatia

What will this machine do?

A robot that prepares various dishes from all over the world, according to the order.

Robot koji priprema  različita jela iz cijelog svijeta, prema željama korisnika.

Why was it invented?

There are not enough professional chefs in the world to prepare dishes from all over the world. I wish I had one such robot.

U svijetu nema dovoljno profesionalnih kuhara koji bi pripremali jela iz cijelog svijeta. Želio bih imati jednog takvog robota.


When was it invented?

Sunday, May 8th, 2022