Odjevni ormar

About the inventor

Name: Patricija A S
City: Školska ul. 4, 10410, Velika Gorica, Croatia

School information

Name of the school: Eugen Kvaternik Elementary school
Location:Školska ul. 4, 10410, Velika Gorica, Croatia,Croatia

What will this machine do?

kada dotaknemo jedan od 4 gumba možemo odabrati odjeću za party, za školu, za izlazak ili za ići u klub.

Why was it invented?

Smislila sam ga jer sve više ljudi ne zna što bi odjenuli.

When was it invented?

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

This Dream Machine idea has been elaborated as part of the MyMachine DreamsDrop Campaign 2022

We selected this Dream Machine idea to be part of the MyMachine DreamsDrop 2022 Campaign. 

Design Students at the Campus Querétaro of Monterrey Tech (Mexico) have been working on these ideas to translate them into product concepts. 

The results are astonishing.

Patricija and her class in Croatia

The University Students explaining the prototype: --click image to start video--