Maquina Pastissos

About the inventor

Name: Fondacio Trams
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona

School information

Name of the school: Fondacio Trams
Location: Barcelona, Spain

What will this machine do?

Fa una pastisseria deliciosa

Why was it invented?

M'encanta la pastisseria deliciosa

When was it invented?

Friday, September 27th, 2024

This dream machine was developed via MyMachine Catalonia

The teacher will put on the chef's hat and make a speech. You look for the pastry you have to agree on, what decoration you want. Draw what you what you want on the cake. Turn the wheel and your dream-pastry will be made.

Participating schools: 

  • Escola Goar, 
  • Escola GEM Mataró, 
  • Escola Paidos, 
  • Escola Petit Món-Felisa Bastida, 
  • Institut de Vic, and 
  • Elisava! 

Read more here:

Maquina Pastissos - The working prototype:

Maquina Pastissos (click image to start video)