Flying washing machine

About the inventor

Name: Karlo
City: Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac

School information

Name of the school: OŠ Zrinskih i Frankopana Otočac
Location:Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac,Croatia

What will this machine do?

Leteća perilica rublja

Ova perilica nam olakšava pranje rublja, također i rastiranje rublja kada ga idemo osušiti. Ovaj izum će najviše koristiti našim majkama. Ipak svako domaćinstvo bi trebalo imati barem jedan ovakav primjerak.

Flying washing machine

This washing machine makes it easier for us to do our laundry, as well as to hang the laundry when we go to dry it. This invention will benefit our mothers the most. Yet certainly every household should have at least one such copy.

Why was it invented?

The machine will make it easier for people to do laundry.

When was it invented?

Thursday, May 19th, 2022