A cleaning robot

About the inventor

Name: Antonio
City: Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac

School information

Name of the school: OŠ Zrinskih i Frankopana Otočac
Location:Kralja Zvonimira 15 Otočac,Croatia

What will this machine do?

A robot that does daily household chores. The machine is designed for floor cleaning.

Robot koji obavlja svakodnevne kućanske poslove. Stroj je namijenjen za čišćenje podova.


Why was it invented?

Some people need help with household chores. A cleaning robot helps them with that. 

Neki ljudi trebaju pomoć u obavljanju kućanskih poslova. U tome im pomaže robot koji čisti.

When was it invented?

Sunday, May 8th, 2022