Caixa Magica

About the inventor

Name: Fondacio Trams
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Country: Spain
City: Barcelona

School information

Name of the school: Fondacio Trams
Location: Barcelona, Spain

What will this machine do?

Em portarà molts regals sorpresa.


Why was it invented?

M'encanten els regals sorpresa

When was it invented?

Friday, September 27th, 2024

This dream machine was developed via MyMachine Catalonia

Each round will have four participants on each side of the machine.

Each of them will bring a surprise object for the other children. They place it —while no one looks— inside the mouth of the Dream Machine.

Then they will close the gate turning the wheel, and as soon as the bulbs are lit, we would like all four of us to be ready to turn the knob and be able to discover what surprise object we receive.


Participating schools: 

  • Escola Goar, 
  • Escola GEM Mataró, 
  • Escola Paidos, 
  • Escola Petit Món-Felisa Bastida, 
  • Institut de Vic, and 
  • Elisava! 

Read more here:

Caixa Magica

Caixa Magica (click image to start video)